Crown Seminary

And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
II Timothy 2:2

Programs of Study

Philosophy for ministry should be born of theology that is sound and true to the Word of God. However, many colleges and seminaries have become enamored with methodology that “produces results,” and have deemphasized theology. This is a man-centered approach to ministry that does not exalt Christ.

As the people of God, we ought to be both inheritors of and adherents to biblical Christianity. Throughout history, God has always had a remnant of faithful people who have held this biblical faith and have taught it to others. We desire to train a new generation in the old paths.

Timothy Tomlinson

Program Director, Crown Seminary

Master of Ministry (M.Min.)

This 30 hour program equips men for pastoral leadership in a local New Testament church. It includes courses in biblical languages, biblical and theological studies. Each course requires significant reading, research, and writing.

Application is emphasized through the Ministry Practicum. Students will gain practical counsel from Pastoring the New Testament Church, taught by Dr. Clarence Sexton.

Program objectives

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the major themes of the Old and New Testaments.
  • Derive sound interpretations of biblical texts by employing proper methods of interpretation.
  • Explain the biblical principles and practices of a New Testament church.
  • Prepare and preach Bible messages using effective delivery and appropriate application.
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the biblical responsibilities assigned to pastor a New Testament church.
  • Conduct research on theological subjects and produce written work that reflects disciplined research and clear, logical arguments.

Curriculum - Master of Ministry (30 hours)

Fall Semester
BI 501Advanced Old Testament3
BI 502Advanced New Testament3
BI 564Principles of Biblical Interpretation3
ED 545Baptist Distinctives & History of the Church3
Spring Semester
CM 521The Life & Ministry of Spurgeon3
CM 561Teaching & Preaching the Bible3
CM 572Pastoring the New Testament Church3
CM 581Ministry Practicum3
CM 599Theological Research and Thesis3
Summer Session
CM 511The Pastor's and Christian Worker's College3

Master of Missiology (M.Miss.)

This 30 hour program equips men and women for missionary service at home or abroad. It includes courses in biblical studies as well as world evangelism. An intensive study of the life of the Apostle Paul is a vital feature of the program.

Students learn how the biblical pattern for world evangelism determines the missionary’s methodology. Application is emphasized through completion of a practicum related to their intended field of service.

Program objectives

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the major themes of the Old and New Testaments.
  • Explain the biblical principles and practices of a New Testament church.
  • Prepare and preach/teach Bible messages or lessons using effective delivery and appropriate application.
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the biblical responsibilities assigned to pastor a New Testament church (men only).
  • Show the biblical basis for world evangelism in both the Old and New Testaments.
  • Articulate and implement the biblical pattern of missions as exampled in the life of Paul in the New Testament.

Curriculum - Master of Missiology (30 hours)

Fall Semester
BI 501Advanced Old Testament3
BI 502Advanced New Testament3
ED 545Baptist Distinctives & History of the Church3
MI 502Missionary History & Literature3
MI 511The Life & Ministry of the Apostle Paul3
Spring Semester
CM 561Teaching & Preaching the Bible3
CM 572Pastoring the New Testament Church3
CM 581Ministry Practicum3
MI 507Personal Development of the Missionary3
MI 530Biblical Theology of Missions3

Master of Biblical Studies (M.B.S.)

This 30 hour program builds upon the prerequisite Master of Ministry programs and equips men for pastoral leadership in a local New Testament church and for effective instructional ministry in a Bible college. It includes courses in biblical languages, biblical studies, and theological studies. Each class requires assigned reading, research and writing, along with emphasis on practical application.

  • Emphasizes the study of the New Testament with courses in Greek exegesis.
  • Demonstrates the place and importance of Systematic Theology to the pastor in his preaching.

Program objectives

  • Examine and discuss key theological concepts in light of the Scriptures.
  • Apply a knowledge of the Greek language when studying and interpreting New Testament passages.
  • Develop and lead ministries within a local church following biblical principles and methods.
  • Conduct research on theological subjects and produce written work that reflects disciplined research and clear, logical arguments.

Curriculum - Master of Biblical Studies (30 hours)

Summer Session
BI 610Biblical Creation3
TH 616Apologetics3
TH 601Systematic Theology3
Fall Semester
BL 609Greek Exegesis I3
TH 602Systematic Theology II3
MEL 600Evangelism/Missions Elective3
MEL 601Elective3
Spring Semester
BL 610Greek Exegesis II3
CM 662Preaching as Jesus Preached3
HI 671Church History3
MI 530Biblical Theology of Missions3

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

This 32 hour program builds upon the prerequisite Master of Ministry and the Master of Biblical Studies degrees and provides indepth training to equip men for a high level of competency in preaching and teaching the Bible and performing pastoral duties in a local church. Students also receive instruction in biblical studies and theology to enable them to teach the Bible on a post secondary level. Students will be trained to engage in fulfilling the mission of Jesus Christ, and will also be equipped to teach others to do the same.

  • Study of the Hebrew language to enable the pastor to work from the original text of the Old Testament.
  • Participation in an intensive Internship Program in preparation of pastoring a New Testament church.
  • Additional courses in Church Finance, Music, and Counseling to complement and complete the individual’s preparation for the Ministry.

Program objectives

  • Articulate the views of prominent theological systems and discuss theological viewpoints in light of the Scriptures.
  • Confront current theological issues with biblical insight and express their views in a way that is intelligent and biblically defensible.
  • Use the biblical languages with adeptness and skill in word study and sermon preparation.
  • Prepare and preach Bible messages that are expository in nature, applicable to hearers, faithful to sound exegesis, and delivered with authority and fervency.
  • Display an ability to provide faithful pastoral leadership to a local church.

Curriculum - Master of Divinity (32 hours)

Summer Session
BU 630Business Administration for Ministry3
MEL 602Elective3
Fall Semester
BL 645Hebrew I3
CM 582Local Church Internship3
CM 642Marriage and Family2
MEL 700Elective3
MEL 701Theological Studies Elective3
Spring Semester
BL 646Hebrew II3
MU 601Theology of Christian Music3
CM 702Graduate Colloquium3
MEL 702Elective3